- "Get up and heal us! Stop slacking!"
(to unconscious cleric)
- "While Perci lay dying, the GM laughed"
- "Hey, who's the necromancer here? I know my body parts"
"Well, I'm unconscious, so I don't know anything"
- "This could be a coffee table book! 'Things To Do With An Unconscious Paladin'."
- "Are you tired with having to animate the corpses of ugly people?"
- "You were dying in a pit of poo!"
- "Scare him shirtless!"
- "This is art! Only it's moving, and it's not wearing any clothes"
- "Lucien! Bathe these gnomes!"
- "It's theological porn"
- "Remember, find him and kill him. Then you get num-nums"
- "She's grappling with a worm-bat that's sucking his throat!"
- "Maybe that crossbow bolt will give him a disease"
"Ooo! Crossbow bolt of STDs!"
- "Morning, sunshine!"
"You're a big jerk."
- "Just because I have an animated skeleton, doesn't mean I consort with evil powers"
- " ... barely missing his balls"
- "Maybe we should kill them in alphabetical order"
- "We should run from the jello"
"That sounds disgusting!"
"Can I have one?"
*moment of silence for our deceased party*
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