Thursday, February 18, 2010


It's almost my birthday (send gifts) so I thought I'd share this nifty site that I found. It's 100 cupcakes based on games. Readers of this blog should be able to identify this one:

And this one:

But can you guess the others??? Go ahead and try!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Overheard... part VI

  • Whenever I hear "throbbing member" I think of an MP with a headache
  • Are You There, Calitha? It's Me, Aethera

  • What does "Rampant Castration" do?
  • And then, Divodhiin casts heroism on ...
    On cookies...?
    They died valiantly
  • No, Ledi is not my seeing-eye phanaton
  • Malcanthet, there's a party of mortals to see you with pumpkins on their heads.
  • I like playing a racist. It's kinda fun!
  • You can have the horny bard
    Hey, I'm available
    Ok, you can rent the horny bard
  • No dear, you're not a turnip
  • Yay!!! ... ... that was creepy
  • ... with his nipples (Adil)
    (everyone else) WHAT?!?
  • You're using the coins as pasties?
  • We've heard enough about the location of Divodhiin's nipples
  • It's ale and whores. There's a certain order to these things
  • I want to go both ways!
    So does Divodhiin!